12/15 – High School Christmas Party, 5:00-7:30 PM – Calling all 9th-12th graders! You are invited to a Christmas party in the Youth Room!. Be ready for food, games, and other get-to-know-you activities. We will also be brainstorming how to redecorate and reorganize the Youth Room to make it your own special space!
12/15 – Poinsettia Orders are due! Order forms are available in the narthex.
12/21 – Longest Night Worship (Blue Christmas), 8:00 PM. We have been invited to join with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 210 Hazel Street, Liverpool for a service of hope and healing.
12/22 – The Next Best Christmas Pageant is coming! We will have readings and songs, and we’ll create a banner by adding a portion at each segment. There are parts and costumes for all children, all ages and abilities. There is no formal rehearsal but we’ll be there after church on December 1st and 8th for informal rehearsals. If you can only make it to church on December 22nd, we can include your child! If your child would like to do a reading, have any questions/suggestions, or if you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Barb N. (see the King’s Weekly for more information).
12/22 – Church Greening – after worship service. Come help us decorate our church for Christmas. Lunch will be provided afterward.
12/24 – Christmas Eve Worship – We will gather for Christmas Eve services at 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM
12/29 – Ugly Sweater Sunday, 9:30 AM – One more chance to wear your favorite Ugly Christmas Sweaters for the year! Come sing carols and listen to lessons in your finest of ugly Christmas sweaters. Laughter and fun are bound to ensue!
1/2/25 – Annual Reports are due to Rachel.