3/23 – 60th Anniversary Celebration! Help us celebrate 60 years of King of Kings.
After service in the Fellowship Hall:
*11:00am-Danish, coffee, and charcuterie board
*King of Kings Trivia led by Pastor Rebecca
*12:00pm-Luncheon catered by Francesca’s
*Music and entertainment
Suggested donation (ahead of time or at the door):
$10 per person
$25 per family
Kids 5 & under free
3/29 – Pre-Assembly In-Person Event: “Collaboration for Christ’s Sake” – 9:30AM-12:30PM at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Liverpool.
4/6 – Lutheran Campus Ministry Spring Festival and Basket Raffle. 2:00PM-4:00PM at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Baldwinsville. They are seeking basket and raffle donations. For more information, please contact Rev. Jeff Kane (jkane@syr.edu).