Visitor Information

Worship begins at 9:30am on Sundays!

We use a variety of styles of music at King of Kings. Some Sundays are led with a keyboard and percussion, some Sundays are led with the organ.

There are no stairs to get into our sanctuary, and we can easily rearrange our chairs and pews to accommodate walkers, wheelchairs, and other mobility aids.

Children are welcome in worship, and the back of our sanctuary has a table with coloring pages and other activities to provide them with a space to wiggle while they join us in giving glory to God. Some families find that sitting toward the front allows children to better see and follow what is happening during the service. There is a nursery room (unattended) that parents may bring their children to if they need a break from the sanctuary.

King of Kings celebrates Holy Communion weekly and all are welcome to receive the grace and mercy that Christ offers at the Lord’s Supper.